• This is not a core part of ember-resources, but demonstrates how services are an extension of resources. This utility should be considered a prototype, but this utility is still under the broader library's SemVer policy.

    A consuming app will not pay for the bytes of this utility unless imported.

    An alternative to Ember's built in @service decorator.

    This decorator takes a resource and ties the resource's lifeime to the app / owner.

    The reason a resource is required, as opposed to allowing "any class", is that a resource already has implemented the concept of "teardown" or "cleanup", and native classes do not have this concept.


    import Component from '@glimmer/component';
    import { resource } from 'ember-resources';
    import { service } from 'reactiveweb/resource/service';

    class PlanetsAPI { ... }

    const Planets = resource(({ on, owner }) => {
    let api = new PlanetsAPI(owner); // for further injections

    // on cleanup, we want to cancel any pending requests
    on.cleanup(() => api.abortAll());

    return api;

    class Demo extends Component {
    @service(Planets) planets;

    For Stage 1 decorators and typescript, you'll need to manually declare the type:

    class Demo extends Component {
    @service(Planets) declare planets: Planets;


    • resource: unknown

    Returns ((_prototype: object, key: string, descriptor?: Stage1DecoratorDescriptor) => void)

      • (_prototype, key, descriptor?): void
      • Parameters

        • _prototype: object
        • key: string
        • Optionaldescriptor: Stage1DecoratorDescriptor

        Returns void